Thursday, January 15, 2009

The 5 Attributes of God

The Divine attributes are the qualities or characteristics of God. God can do what He wills to do, and no one can oppose Him. (Ps.115:3 - Our God is in the heavens; he does whatever he pleases.)

1. Omniscience – (Lat. “Omnis” – all; “scire” – to know; all-knowing). God knows all things past present and future. The primary object of His knowledge is Himself. The secondary objects are all created things, visible and invisible which can be purely possible, eal and conditionally future.

2. Omnipotence – (Lat.omnis + potentia “being all-powerful”). God can do everything that does not deny His nature or that which would not contradict Himself.

3. Omnipresence – (Lat. “everywhere present”). God is simultaneously present wherever He is. He has a two-fold omnipresence: by nature and by grace.

4. Eternity – God’s attribute which makes Him without beginning, succession or ending. Created being like angels and human being only participate in God’s eternity since they have beginning, but with God’s will, they will live without end.

5. Immutability – Absolute changelessness of God.